Friday, November 28, 2008

Friendship never ends

Ipoh Ipoh buddies...loong loong time didnt meet up and gathered together...
Had so much fun with them together, Ipoh gang to Subang..haha..
The feeling is just like we were back at last year, the time before we all separated and move on to different colleges in different place...

The chats, the girls gossips.....add in 'Liao Bao'..opposite sex but can mix well in the gossip group..arrrh...he knows everything...even more updated than Us girls in some news..

Without any barriers in between and we just hang out like last time...
ALthough we couldnt meet always and chat alwaysz ....the friendships is always there...
Yea, all will be soon get back to Ipoh again!!

Some photos with leng leng tzemuis.....meow, i got to get the photos from U..hehe..

Jian & Lee

Lee &Yin

Lee & Kee

1 comment:

meow said...

yalorrr...meow missing d....hahaha...i oso wana get fotos from jian d lar....hehehe...