Friday, September 25, 2009

Too many happenings lately.
I always wonder if I didnt decide to come here at the very beginning of the year, things would be very different, things will be easier, not so many issues to care about, my life will be just study smart and play hard.
Well, there are the good side too, I'm exposed and forced to be on myself, learn and experience much more things in life.
It is a two way road and depends we want to go to which side, a side that we gain from all this life experience and develop into a better person, or a side that we develop into a person with just lesser feelings and moving further and further away from people.
Maybe i just think too much.
I'll thrive and move through my pathway.
Just some random photos here...

The gold coin chocolate~

Squash the dog into the bag when i moved.

Another new member of the dog group..haha.

Now here is my few camwhore photoss Xp

Able to guess what is that thingy im holding?
I'm thrilled by the lettuce which look like a bulb, a cone, a mic and a drumstick =P

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